頭先去完一個馬主公司Annual Dinner,佢話佢\隻馬星期日Place硬。
Come On!! It's true...everybody make a guess or I will not disclose it....
restricted in www.horseracingcode.com
try not to tell too many people..
I never believe tips....but this one got good training pattern and I think they really want to GO HORSE
The answer is
我平時都唔信馬主料,但今次個馬主 Mr. Da Silva 唔係普通馬主。佢夠膽色,人面廣。養馬親力親為,佢\隻精英大師係香港人驕傲,俾得料一定係堅!!不過佢叫我只買Place, Win就未必。有興趣諗下吖
本帖最後由 coffee 於 22-1-2006 03:09 PM 編輯 ]