


tonight Eng Champ is crazy..

般尼 vs 普利xx

83 mins 1:0 home team win still have 1.2
85 mins 1:1 draw have 1.25
86 mins 1:2 away have 1.25
89 mins 2:2 draw still have 1.2
90 mins 2:2 draw still have 1.15
last min... home team score 3:2, before dat score.. the draw still have 1.2

then they close the betting... 1 min later.. game -.-

Just wanna mention dat if u find somtimes the odds is too attractive to
bet in last mins when u think the game neraly finish and the result is settle soon...
they u drop the trap setup from hkjc la....

its not happen the first time.......

I remember 10 months ago.. hot spur against Wan C Ham...
92 mins.. still 1:0 and the home team win is 1.08...
wa.. 92 mins already.. u still can bet??????? ya... dont know why hkjc still
not close yet.. normaly they clost the bet when 85 mins......

so.. next time.. if u find out hkjc still allow u to bet after 85 mins.....
ok.. just bet the draw or the team still losing the game..-.-"

damn.... I am in this trap again tonight... I lose $500 on it -.-
..... and I remember its happen to me 1 yr ago on Hot spur...damn...
I forget it when I bet. but once I bet jor.. I suddendly remember. then they start to score...


I hate myself :smile_29:

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hkjc 開盤手... ging.....

I have nothing to say......................

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English Premier League games always have score during "Injury time"... Be careful !!

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原帖由 goalkeeper 於 28-10-2006 09:39 AM 發表
English Premier League games always have score during "Injury time"... Be careful !!
ya. we are "dim sum"

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