
!!! 曼聯無 HEART !!!

!!! 曼聯無 HEART !!!

堅尼 is right, 曼聯 biggest problem is a lot of players did not play with HEART !!!

I think only 朗尼,朴智星 and 雲達沙 are worth what they have been paid for this year. (Forgive 雲達沙 for that first goal in the Middlesberg game, he had already safe ManU's bud many many times this season la)

Most of the players have not play with heart at all !!!

And the coming match between ManU and Chelsea is not a big game any more. I don't think ManU has the HEART like Everton or Betis to give any pressure to Chelsea.
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情若真 不必相見恨晚 見到一眼再不慨嘆
情義似水逝去 此心托飛雁 遠勝孤單在世間
情若真 不必驚怕聚散 變化轉眼也應見慣
誰願去揮慧劍 此心托飛雁 縱隔千山亦無間

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except, rooney, park JS, Giggs, Ruud(sometimes) and van der sar

in man utd 'camp no one has that kind of mentaility to chase back what they loss!  
especially RIO, and C7  are lack of sparks this season!

alan simth not good enough - go back to frontline mid-field is not you are capable to ...

葉子離去是因為風的追求, 還是樹的不挽留... ...

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Silvestre, dreaming all the time
Fletcher, should continue his career in Division 2
Oshea, run slower than me
Smith, sliding tackle hundred times a game does not mean you are a good defensive midfielder

I am a ManU fan, but with this kind of players playing yesterday night, I bet against ManU (on Lille) for the first time in a couple of years. They really sucks !!!
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情若真 不必相見恨晚 見到一眼再不慨嘆
情義似水逝去 此心托飛雁 遠勝孤單在世間
情若真 不必驚怕聚散 變化轉眼也應見慣
誰願去揮慧劍 此心托飛雁 縱隔千山亦無間

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Sir Fergie Blames The Pitch

And this old man still said he preferred to blame the quality of the pitch rather than the quality of his players.

Fire him !!!!!!!!
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情若真 不必相見恨晚 見到一眼再不慨嘆
情義似水逝去 此心托飛雁 遠勝孤單在世間
情若真 不必驚怕聚散 變化轉眼也應見慣
誰願去揮慧劍 此心托飛雁 縱隔千山亦無間

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formation 出現左好大問題~
1. 費查.....bye bye
2. 朴智星...咁好體力,好似尼維特咁打中場咪掃晒lo
3. C.Ronaldo,Giggs...你地用開邊隻腳就打返果邊啦....
4. 里奧費典南....咁高人工...場場係度睇波,不如我代你踢啦...
5. 史高斯....進攻中場唔好咩?成日都唔見你o既...
6. 費格遜....識用人和買人嗎?

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Man U 超級低潮...
過去已過去, 只有懷念, 不再懷恨...

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最主要是青訓出現問題, 君不知曼聯全盛時期有好多好球員都是青訓產品...如傑斯, 碧咸,史高斯...

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原帖由 referee 於 3-11-2005 08:27 PM 發表
最主要是青訓出現問題, 君不知曼聯全盛時期有好多好球員都是青訓產品...如傑斯, 碧咸,史高斯...
可能只係費sir 出現問題...

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葉子離去是因為風的追求, 還是樹的不挽留... ...

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