原帖由 coffee 於 27-8-2007 02:38 PM 發表
how about you phantom? still keep on Kelly + VF?
BTW, "一個意外,心結解開。邁步向前。各位, 珍惜眼前人。"...seems like you have found the ONE.
Wish I am ok. Anyway, better than b4 :)
Yes, VF is still my best. I find the DR file is very useful, help me to weigh my estimated odds better. Wish I do the better job and not data-fitting.
I saw many of my friends do well in stock ... oh. Comparatively, horse racing is more risky. I gotta look at bigger return. Become old la... need more money. I change my target to be HKD 60,000 this year by betting not more than HKD 280,000. :em68: Save stupid bets.. very important to me!
Yes. Kelly must use. Although my way is not 100% Kelly. Anyway better than I did b4: cold horse bet more, hot horse bet less. In 2005 I won HKD30,000 in Oct (remember Jupiter?), then lost HKD28,000 (C ching wah 2) in Feb 2006. Unreasonable for my capital. After apply Kelly, doing much better last season. Smaller win/loss, only one day win over 10,000 but also only 2 days lost over 5,000. Much less pressure. Help to keep cool! Very essential.