I feel happy when I saw dat as I always tell people dat I lose some of the race just because of him as he "造馬".
lose money becoz of 造馬, damn sad.... I rather lose big money bcoz of my choice no good more than this....
congra him can go jail one day. 作者: a4 時間: 14-9-2006 11:49 PM
很好~~ 作者: lokiwerra 時間: 15-9-2006 01:07 AM
好似唔係告佢造馬..係佢比tips人+自己買..because佢無同合作..佢都係幫自己贏..or lose..佢lose都唔知which horse will win..無造馬咁大件事.. 作者: rucrazy 時間: 15-9-2006 02:48 AM
dats why sometimes he ride the horse in a right way.. but somtimes he just "walk" around the horse. 作者: rucrazy 時間: 15-9-2006 04:03 AM
「本會不會就正在進行司法程序的案件作出評論。不過,我們重申,馬會不會容許任何可能危害賽馬誠信的違規行為。我們定會與執法機關緊密合作,以確保香港賽馬業得以維持最高度的誠信。」 作者: coffee 時間: 15-9-2006 10:38 AM
In Hong Kong, Horseracing is a money game. And when a group of Chinese playing a money game, there must be someone who wants to earn money in a short path........
It's good that he was caught and accused....at least for sometime like a month, people would be afraid of "Making Horses".... 作者: 好運贏家 時間: 15-9-2006 12:46 PM
he worth it.
some other jockey who ride horse not in consistent way do worth the punishment like mr Tai Sing (accident) and Mr man sing (ICAC litigaiton)....