原帖由 好運贏家 於 27-11-2006 10:52 PM 發表
谷草夜賽韋達由頭騎到尾,此人全熱門常有拉停、塞死、動作不協調之下由贏變輸哂,有老友賭馬,今季有幸買中哂韋達這類大熱無端輸死之馬,數一數有「黃鑽石」無故半程拉停,「呈祥」起步未幾已拉停,「大贏家」直路 ...
原帖由 罪人 於 28-11-2006 11:13 AM 發表
I believe 韋達 is a clever guy, for 大熱門, he doesn't like to win it very much due to :
1. no challenge
2. easily attacked tactically by other horses
3. high pressure
As he rides more and ...
原帖由 whatchee 於 28-11-2006 04:54 PM 發表
holding in this race, then win in the next, that is a big problem
it cannot be explained why the horse can improve so quick, not one horse,
but several in a season, it means only he knows wh ...
原帖由 罪人 於 28-11-2006 08:33 PM 發表
Anyway, maybe I seldom bet heavy on a horse, I think he's just a shy jockey and knew the situation or races he got. If he found there's risk, he saves energy for a race of better situation, es ...
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