而且rooney, c ron, park, alan smith加埋都唔夠100歲...經驗..咪就係無囉..
同埋鬧人都係要講class, level, as a captain見到自己個team攪成咁都唔出聲, 我諗你咪做captain好過.!
becks 就 c7
唔係話你man utd屎而係cocah無容人之量..忠言逆耳.!! 作者: onemanfly 時間: 22-11-2005 10:33 AM 標題: Keane my man !!!
Yes, Keane is just telling 事實 and yes ManU & 老廢 is 少氣, but don't forget ManU has already become a BUSINESS own by a AMERICAN BOSS that know nothing about football or heart to make money for him. And what Keane did is definitely not allowed in a COMPANY because the boss think he 打擊 ManU's STAFF 士氣 and he had overdone what should be done by Ferguson.
If u overdone what should be done by your boss in HK, I don't think your boss will like u very much either. And that is also the reason Keane was kick out of the Ireland squad couple years ago.
Football club(or company) nowadays don't talk about 人情 or heart anymore ga la, they talk about MONEY.
I will always miss Keane !!!!! 作者: GR上杉圭 時間: 22-11-2005 01:50 PM