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標題: 馬愈來愈難賭 (from [打印本頁]

作者: rucrazy    時間: 29-3-2007 09:23 AM     標題: 馬愈來愈難賭 (from

nice article from


馬愈來愈難賭 2007/3/29 上午 04:24:19









作者: whatchee    時間: 29-3-2007 09:48 AM

may be they want to get as many reward from the horse as possible

found horses re-join race in very short time, they treat the horse like racing cars :), refuel and go again

作者: sliverbullet    時間: 29-3-2007 10:34 AM

好!! 好 !!! I agree.
作者: real    時間: 29-3-2007 12:05 PM

Since day 1, I have been hearing this.... Life isn't meant to be easy, you know.

It is easier than the past because:
1. the horses are better and mainly associated with the Danehill breedline; so if you know the Danehills, you know your horses.
2. the jockeys and trainers are 'better'. At least, you don't have B Hutchison and Country-Kan's horses to worry about.
3. More exposed info
4. More PP racing at HK. if you do the oversea form, you know better than others
5. Whyte is not as shity as Basil Marcus. And there is no more 'Jockey Tse'---this guys ws really a joke to all Chinese.

It is harder because:
1. Punters are more educated and more intelligent.
2. Less stupid/ mug  money to beat
3. HK punters have to compete with international punters.
4. The tax/ commission is high. [ 19% for WIN/PLC----HKJC must be kidding]

Actually, I prefer more racings than less racings. More racings spread the good horses apart, so you have a standout for each race. You either take it or bet against it. More racings also discourage them to influence results.

As a smart punter, you just have to keep up with the trend. You can't just sit on your hands and use the same methods for 20 years.
作者: rucrazy    時間: 29-3-2007 07:35 PM

原帖由 real 於 29-3-2007 12:05 PM 發表
Since day 1, I have been hearing this.... Life isn't meant to be easy, you know.

It is easier than the past because:
1. the horses are better and mainly associated with the Danehill breedline;  ...
:support: :33:
作者: 山埃博士    時間: 29-3-2007 07:47 PM

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作者: rucrazy    時間: 29-3-2007 07:56 PM

原帖由 山埃博士 於 29-3-2007 07:47 PM 發表
You can't just sit on your hands and use the same methods for 20 years.
really good.
作者: phantomhorse    時間: 30-3-2007 12:56 PM



2002-2003都輸10,000~20,000。同以前掉轉。雖不影響生活,但唔開心。終於,明白盲飛大熱,真係唔得。猶以四班最明顯。公眾叻左喇。另外,多左好似葉楚航般的馬房,好PPG出擊時凸然多人捧場,唔熱唔食!...而家?自問好多40倍以上Q真係無法中。今季最好中果條係心歡暢(HV B-1200 10檔) + 新勝利 (之前有飛輸過好多次),有隻完全不看好的波板糖(30幾蚊),都係28倍Q!(小弟申報,中QP矣)。但冇人用槍指住我個頭賭馬咖!要留低,要贏,要用對方法喇。仲要常udpate。


Last but not least: 用Kelly買W啦!有料的看W不會蝕比職業的太多!過關?不如買Mark 6 la...機會仲大D。
作者: real    時間: 30-3-2007 01:34 PM


I agree with what you have said about betting against the FAV. But this must be the False FAV.

There is a hottie running in the Dubai World Cup this Sat and its name is Discreet Cat. We should lay this one as if no tomorrow.

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