在二千年之後,費格遜已開始在戰術上作出多項大膽的變革,放棄沿用多年的四四二陣式,改行四四一一陣式,目的只有一個,就是提升防守的穩定性。老費在自傳《勝利的欲求》(A Will To Win)中曾多次表示,自己心目中最理想的戰陣是三箭頭陣式,踢四四二只是權宜之計。由此可見,再抽起一個前鋒改以單箭頭陣式掛帥,對這個頑固老頭來說是個多麼大的改變。隨 作者: kohorse 時間: 27-11-2005 08:45 PM 標題: so dont bet mu home game when vs weak team
next week vs por , carful
even win only get few odds
should lose if buy long term 作者: onemanfly 時間: 28-11-2005 07:44 AM
They played pretty well against Westham yesterday night but they need a midfield leader badly.
But Ferguson said they will not buy Ballack. 作者: joeyinet 時間: 28-11-2005 10:19 AM
as the article said the most vabluable psrt of MU is attacking, for the recent years, they, not only, did not do well in offence, but also in defenece..few yrs ago ...two wings + scholes & yorke in central.....they re fully utilise the pitch but now...C7 inexperience, giggs not as good as b4, Park ....not a pure wing....scholes ....not as good as b4...Rooney better than yorke...in organizing and long shooting..but still have to improve in heading and his mind-controlling...
defence...it will be good when Rio and silves pick up thier forms.
however, van dersar cannot play for MU in long term...!!that;s the potenial threats!!