Make sure that you have completely downloaded the software. For the one I've downloaded, the file size is 2.56 MB and the file extension is .exe instead of .116
It seems that your download is not complete and that's why you can't open it by simply double click on the icon.
Please try again. 作者: Marshal 時間: 14-8-2007 09:33 PM
Although you said the file extension is .exe, but I'm afraid to tell you that once I click on your provided link, the following filename appears!!!
It ends with an extension .116!
Try it out yourself, please!!!:smile_39: 作者: newbie 時間: 15-8-2007 02:28 AM the file and rename it as Excel_.exe the exe file
it is a very good Excel training material 作者: Marshal 時間: 15-8-2007 02:26 PM
原帖由 newbie 於 15-8-2007 02:28 AM 發表 the file and rename it as Excel_.exe the exe file
it is a very good Excel training material
Thanks very much for your advice.
I've succeeded in running the program now. Thanks again!!!:smile_15: