原帖由 coffee 於 12-9-2007 09:21 AM 發表
according to goalkeeper, some of the posts is deleted "BY ITSELF" and that's why he closed down the site yesterday. Dr. has opened a coffee shop 12/9, but it disappeared suddenly. So I am going t ...
原帖由 TimWong 於 12-9-2007 07:20 PM 發表
Coffee and Marshall:
Have you bought race 1 Keen Soul?
I got it
原帖由 TimWong 於 12-9-2007 07:25 PM 發表
$1000 WP
I planned to bet in Happy Valley, But I have to stayed at home for a project for Ceci,
原帖由 ppkk3344 於 12-9-2007 08:00 PM 發表
Race 3 .. 6 旺財好漢 ==> 9 悅勝豪情 12 特擊 and 7 好彩數 ==> 9 悅勝豪情 12 特擊
9 悅勝豪情 12 特擊 Good LEG
原帖由 raypo 於 12-9-2007 09:27 PM 發表
coffee....Big confidence on 7 .....
pq leg with. 800 each cos too hot
原帖由 raypo 於 12-9-2007 09:27 PM 發表
coffee....Big confidence on 7 .....
pq leg with. 800 each cos too hot
原帖由 raypo 於 12-9-2007 09:27 PM 發表
coffee....Big confidence on 7 .....
pq leg with. 800 each cos too hot
原帖由 raypo 於 12-9-2007 09:55 PM 發表
4622 12-SEP-2007
21:45 跑馬地
星期三 位置Q 6 場 7 酒勝 + 10 神龍金剛 $1000
$1,000.00 $5,250.00
4623 12-SEP-2007
21:45 跑馬地
星期三 單T 6 場 7 酒勝 + 10 神龍金剛 ...
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