原帖由 Marcus23 於 25-5-2008 04:42 PM 發表
Jimmy, we have a friend came back from canada for 2 months...he is ok at soccer...play DM or CM...wonder if its ok to bring to try try...Matty strongly recommend...
原帖由 9 於 25-5-2008 10:54 PM 發表
賴野, 阿恆話我冇約佢, 我都唔記得約咗乜人
anyway, 等埋聽日, if 冇人揾我夾著咩色, find other....到時吹hen
原帖由 9 於 25-5-2008 10:54 PM 發表
賴野, 阿恆話我冇約佢, 我都唔記得約咗乜人
anyway, 等埋聽日, if 冇人揾我夾著咩色, find other....到時吹hen
原帖由 9 於 27-5-2008 07:16 PM 發表
competitor is mindshare, cos they give money
mindshare - red
ths - china white
mindshare background....zenith can win mindshare so many
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