15/12/2007 賽後報告
今日踢到我成日想既波,十分高興。交下交下做D位出黎,大家走得冇咁辛苦,踢落仲好有隊形 Tim。請唔好誤會,我唔係要求大家一定要咁做,Lee 個只係我個人喜好姐。
Billy 隊可能較年青,欠缺點經驗,踢落不段樸波,未能好好停下波,踢慢一點,急左D!初段有氣有力問題不大,後段落後下加上氣力下降,反擊力都欠奉。其實 Lee 班年青人都OK,踢落有心有力,個別個人技術不錯,有張來!
27/08/2008 win 4:0 - 9 / 14 / Helper Keung x 2 ( 19 / Keung )
05/04/2008 win 12:0 - 19 x 3 / 13 x 3 / 4 x 2 / 22 x 2 / Own Goal x 2 ( 9 x 3 / 6 x 3 / 19 x 2 / 22 / 4 )
15/12/2007 win 4:0 - 19 / 22 / 4 / 20 ( 9 / 19 / 4 )
not in HK until 28/7/2008. dont count me. 作者: Marcus23 時間: 23-7-2008 02:26 PM
Lo B and I are both not in HK this weekend...count us out please 作者: 飛龍醉鏢 時間: 24-7-2008 01:00 AM
will miss this match and next 3 cause not in HK.
good luck buddies! 作者: 9 時間: 25-7-2008 02:25 AM
jimmy, 阿銘, shiu ming, chi wah, country ming, wai can play
rodger, marcus, lo b, mathew, gary, fat lo, ah keung, keeper, alfred - cant play
fat wong, sam, 4 eyes, man shiu, tai bill - tbc
n i will try to come............ 作者: 9 時間: 25-7-2008 08:17 PM
we have jimmy, ah ming, chi wah, shiu ming, country ming, fat wong, man shiu, tai bill, wai and sam
10 people, still find keeper 作者: no.14 時間: 28-7-2008 09:55 AM
only remen this
Jimmy ( sam )
Desmond ( Keung )
final result is 5:0 ?????? 作者: 9 時間: 28-7-2008 11:17 AM
keung x 2 (no assis)
1st goal forget 作者: no.14 時間: 28-7-2008 03:46 PM