贏馬兄覺得有冇關係?會唔會冇遮擋先跑的好? 作者: dane 時間: 26-6-2009 05:37 AM
這次谷A, 場地大利跟前放頭馬, 就算快步速下, 後上馬亦不見明顯優勢, 有別於一貫A欄利後上特色
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作者: paulcheung88 時間: 26-6-2009 10:11 AM
But for Wong's stable this season, the trainer has not succeeded to arrange his horse
to win again immediately after the horse gets his first win. I guess the reasons are two:
1. the trainer's skill is limited (in particular the injection/or feeding). Once the horse wins,
he can't maintain the form of the horse any more like other top trainers. Hence, it is proved by his result for last few seasons. He is just graduated by having 13 wins this seasons difficultly and needs a top jockey like 韋達 to help as killer.
2. the trainer has no inspiration to have his horse compete.
I am inclined the first reason more. In fact, in my system, I do not choose it as my target horses for Q and T and only take it as insurance leg. In fact, I should have enough guts
to wipe it out completely. 作者: 贏馬人 時間: 26-6-2009 12:55 PM