Let me give you a review of my estimates of to-day's horse pace.
Race My Estimate HKJC Estimate Actual
1 Fast Good-to-fast 36.22 for 1st section, 0.32 slower than standard,
59.83 for 1st & 2nd, 0.13 slower than standard Result:
2 Fast Slow 47.24 for 1st section, 0.04 slower than standard,
Result: Normal
3 Slow Good-to-slow 48.47 for 1st section, 0.17 slower than standard, 72.36
for 1st & 2nd section, 0.44 slower than standard,
4 Slow Good-to-slow 36.14 for 1st section, 0.34 slower than standard, 59.38
for 1st & 2nd Section, 0.22 slower than standard, Result:
5 Fast Slow 36.19 for 1st section, 0.71 faster than standard, 60.36
for 1st & 2nd section, 0.84 faster than standard,
Result: fast
6 Good (Normal) Good-to-slow 46.46 for 1st section, 0.24 faster than standard, Result
Result: Good-to-fast
7 Fast Good-to-fast 45.9 for 1st section, 0.8 faster than standard, Result:
8 Fast Good (Normal) 47.35 for 1st section, 0.45 faster than standard, 71.43
for 1st & 2nd section, 0.97 faster than standard, Result:
9 Slow Slow 35.64 for 1st section, 0.04 slower than standard, 59.16
for 1st & 2nd section, 0.44 slower than standard, Result:
10. Fast Good (Normal) 48.11 for 1st section, 0.19 faster than standard, 0.48
faster than standard, Result: Fast
11. Fast Slow 48.08 for 1st section, 0.52 faster than standard, 0.19
slower than standard, Result: Fast (at least 1st section)
From the above, again HKJC Speed Power estimated wrongly Race 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8,10,11, total 10 races.
I estimate correctly Race 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11. Even for race 6, a minor mistake is made. I hit 75% estimates correctly. Hence, my advice is that again, don't rely on the pace shown in HKJC Speed Power Column. 作者: 山埃博士 時間: 1-7-2009 10:56 PM
原帖由 paulcheung88 於 1-7-2009 08:11 PM 發表
Let me give you a review of my estimates of to-day's horse pace.
Race My Estimate HKJC Estimate Actual
1 Fast Good-to-fast 36.22 for 1st section, 0.32 ...
Doctor兄, my estimates wil enhance those brothers who know well the estimate best
performance and pace of each horse. As I said, only bet those horses which can
take advantage of a pace of the current race. Every brother should know that a horse, can only finish 400M by instinct with his maximum speed and she has to change her
breath befor she runs more. Therefore, a springer's and stayer's instinct manner of
running will be affected by a horse pace of a race. In a slow run race, a springer will
benefit. In a fast run race, a stayer will benefit. The rule is simple. But a lot of race-goers
don't know or don't want to know.