The Latest Finding
When the trainer targets a horse to win, he has to make best use of the character of
the horse to make sure if this horse is a springer or stayer and the distance she want
to target. Then the trainer will do the track work, say either 2 sections or 3 sections. If
he knows the horse is a stayer. He will train the horse to do in the track work of either 2 or 3 sections faster i.e. within 23.5 and in particular 2 sections track work. The reason is
that in the target race, a horse can give and maintain the best speed in his last 400M in tha race to win. Like a swimmer in a long distance competition race, he has to train himself that he can maintain that kind of strength to win the competition in his last 50M. Like the last day's race, 天祿 in Race 9 (1400M), she underwent the following track work since last race:
Brothers, in fact, we can analyse other trainers' pattern of training, by horse which wins the
race before and by distance. We will can readily read the mind of the trainer if he prepares a horese for the target race or not. 作者: 山埃博士 時間: 2-7-2009 08:25 PM
In the Race 9 last day meeting, another horse aged 3,寶貝王子, the track work of which is
as follows since his last race. I just listed out his last four track work to compare to find why she lost the race:
From the first glance, it seems that the trainer target her horse to win the race as in his
last 3 track work, the horse is accompanied by antoher horse to compete. The reason is
that either the horse is lazy or the companion horse excites 寶貝王子 to do the track work
faster. Hence, the result of the track work is not good if you compare it with 天祿 since
she competes her track work giving a good final time of section within 23.5 twice. Apparently, she is stronger at least in the track work than寶貝王子 . Besides, 寶貝王子 aged
3 and 天祿 aged 4 which has more experience to compete before. As 天祿, one year older than 寶貝王子 must be better in terms of his stamina as she has proved us that she wins
1650M in happy valley race track last time. As the stamina of average horse in 1650M is
almost same as 1400M, we should not question if 天祿 has a ability to win 1400M in
The last two track work, the last section time of 2 sections is below 23.5. There are
companion horses in both track work. The trainer's purpose is to excite 星運伯爵's
inspiration and the track work of 2 sections work is faster than 50.0 . For the last track work, there is 草閘 done, the purpose of which is to remind the horse to participate the coming race. For Fowne's another horse 開心風采, the most favourite horse 1: 5.6, her track work
is only one 2 sections track work 傑(52.3) 衝鋒槍28.6 23.7. When you compare both
horses' track work , you already know readily which is his target horse in this race.
Reason: 星運伯爵's two sections track work is very good. The time for both work is below 50.0 with the last section time both below 23.5. 星運伯爵 is a stayer. That's why again the trainer has to train the horse's the last section in his track work. Once it acheives the speed
below 23.5 in her track work for one or more work, he knows the horse is ready to win. 作者: dane 時間: 3-7-2009 09:42 AM