[ 本帖最後由 no.14 於 25-10-2010 10:43 AM 編輯 ] 作者: Marcus23 時間: 11-10-2010 11:30 AM
just found that 23 Oct is our friends' wedding, so fat wong, sam and I cant join... 作者: No.16 時間: 11-10-2010 12:00 PM
Cant! 作者: 9 時間: 20-10-2010 03:04 PM
terry - pink
ths - black 作者: 9 時間: 21-10-2010 12:04 AM
jimmy, rodger, man siu, kwai, andy, bill brother, collie, raymond, fat lo, siu hung, wai, helper x 1 - 12 ok
chi wah, country ming - tbc
no need call me, i will call all sat around 18:00, let all know can play or not - weather problem. btw, just no.8 and 雷暴 can 補場, 幾大雨都唔會封場 作者: 9 時間: 24-10-2010 11:50 AM
6 : 0
rodger x 2, andy, bill brother, kwai, collie x 1
a : jimmy, andy, bill brother, collie, rodger x 1
attend : jimmy, rodger, wai, kwai, man siu, chi wah, andy, bill brother, siu hung, fat lo, country ming, raymond, collie, helper