原帖由 onemanfly 於 4-7-2006 06:08 PM 發表
朗尼領紅 absolutly foolish, but what C 朗 have done is very 令人討厭 & 反感,especially that [打 眼 色].
Who cares if C 朗 is goin to stay in ManU or not !
原帖由 onemanfly 於 4-7-2006 06:08 PM 發表
朗尼領紅 absolutly foolish, but what C 朗 have done is very 令人討厭 & 反感,especially that [打 眼 色].
Who cares if C 朗 is goin to stay in ManU or not !
原帖由 onemanfly 於 5-7-2006 04:18 PM 發表
看見當日夏格維斯非常有HEART,用盡每一分力氣奔走全場,助攻助守。完全鐵人本色。這令我更討厭 C朗這纇懶好波但非常不知所謂的球員!
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