

魯爾 SUCKS !!!! I think he hurt himself by kicking a AIRBALL. EVen if he's healthy, I don't think he can help Real Madrid or Spain International anymore, he play like an old man !

卡斯拿斯 should leave Real Madrid, because I would like to see Real Madrid become a 中游team. Without 卡斯拿斯 means Real Madrid's have no defence !!!!!!!!!!

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How does 施仙奴 look ? I never saw this guy's face before. Is he handsome ? Seems like Real Madrid will only buy 2 kind of players. 1. Brazilian  2. Handsome guy

Just don't know what's in the mind of those Real Madrid scout, maybe they are all girls who wants handsome guy.........

沙治奧拉莫斯 should go to do some porn movie instead of playing soccer, he is as bad as Arsenal's Cigan !!!!!!
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情若真 不必相見恨晚 見到一眼再不慨嘆
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情若真 不必驚怕聚散 變化轉眼也應見慣
誰願去揮慧劍 此心托飛雁 縱隔千山亦無間

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