
22/11 Tonite 杜安 對 阿仙奴 (入球大)

22/11 Tonite 杜安 對 阿仙奴 (入球大)

With Cigan playing again for Arsenal in defence, it will be another nightmare for Wenger, did u guys see how he played in that Wigan game. 列文 will rest in tonight's game too.They are goin to give up goals tonight.

杜安's defence always sucks no matter in 歐聯 or 瑞超.

There's no reason for these 2 teams to play a defensive game anyway.

杜安 對 阿仙奴 (入球大) 1.9

情若真 不必相見恨晚 見到一眼再不慨嘆
情義似水逝去 此心托飛雁 遠勝孤單在世間
情若真 不必驚怕聚散 變化轉眼也應見慣
誰願去揮慧劍 此心托飛雁 縱隔千山亦無間

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