原帖由 賭鬼 於 22-5-2007 01:57 AM 發表
似乎成左風, 多左好多無意義回覆, 連帶「標題」都變得無意義, 睇都睇到有點想訓. 大家不外乎想多些有建設性的回應, 這是網站本身文化, 不如提升「閱讀權限」好過啦. :smile_13:
can't type Chinese...at company...
賭鬼, you are, in my eyes, a man with sharp critical ability.
You love to tell the truth and the weakness of a certain thing, and it seems that it is always right.
I appreciate your style of writing, not asking for fame but down to earth.
I am not helping any one of the people who use the [hide] function here, but I do respect them.
HRC is not a commercial organization. Those people who help being the moderator here are out of voluntary will. I didn't pay them.
So, in a way, I don't stop them from doing that and I believe they are doing this for a purpose.
I respect them, as I respect you.
I always take your comments, mostly negative, as an advice and see I have anything worng.
Thanks a lot and I wish you can be more considerate in people working here voluntarily. Thank you.