原帖由 fermi 於 19-12-2008 10:14 AM 發表
17/12: 30.2 25.5 (55.7) 海中寶
13/12: 29.4 24.4 (53.8) 勁好聲
09/12: 27.8 24.3 (52.1)
04/12: 29.8 25.9 (55.7)
Coffee 兄,
海中寶拍跳的時間??? 點解???
馬會: 17/12: 30.2 25.5 (55.7) ...
i dun understand why you mean by 點解...
are you talking about too slow?
or you are talking about different source of timer?
apple has their own timing team, and hkjc has another timing team and that's why