i think no.14 & no.16 still need more time to recover, no matter they can join, still need time to train up. lucky news is we found man shiu and ah keung, they have potential for center midfield, just give them little time, they can easy to pick up this position.
so many guy ask me y i can find man shiu back, cos in friday night, i try to find helper, but cant find. and i find 1 old phone card produce by no.14(Ths member phone card) ; this phone card have so many ths old member, eg. ah so, ah kwai, ronald,sammy, senmy,giu.......especially have man shiu (this is the answer man shiu back our team)
This phone card have 20 member, still in THS just 10.........真係十年人事幾番新, 出出入入, 都唔記得有幾多人,維持一隊球隊真的不易, 喺度多謝大家多年嘅支持.