
落飛馬 System (beta version)

落飛馬 System (beta version)

I just finish a program about 落飛馬 system with my friend. actualy he just finish dat system with my idea and formula.
as I am not a programer.

and we did test the results about 落飛馬 last racing day.

seems its quite okay with the result as some of the horse really run okay when have 落飛.sure some run bad even 落飛.

our program is like this. we will record all the tickets by computer. and calculate how much have people bet on dat
horse in a period. (for example. every hr before racing day. every 10 mins before the race start. and 2 mins before the first horse
get inside the gate)

so we will know how much $ have bet on the horse.(for example. 飛躍龍門(D018) have $200000 tickets in last 10 mins) and use dat as a guide. which horse should including on our leg when
we have a banker..

I will try to post the tickets record in the coming racing day if the program works.. (coz its take some times to do the calculate job)
especailly take times during racing ...

wish can help u guys a bit with the legs during the racing day.

[ 本帖最後由 rucrazy 於 27-9-2006 01:44 AM 編輯 ]

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原帖由 m 於 27-9-2006 02:22 AM 發表
I believe there are web sites providing this services already. You can see Win, Place, Q & QP. The better sites can provie 3 samples per min. You can see dollar amount and odds at the same time ...
Subscription fee is probably $1 or 2k per year???????

rucrazy: wa... well.. my system is free of charge as this moment

You can see Win, Place, Q & QP.

rucrazy: will have the function in the future.

The better sites can provie 3 samples per min

rucrazy: wat dat mean 3 sample? 3 horses?

the idea is we know exactly how much tickets have bet on the horse in a short time. not just the total amount or %

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原帖由 dane 於 27-9-2006 08:56 AM 發表

你個系統的賠率記錄時間, 與實時賠率相差多少分鐘, 其實好多時真命天子, 是在開閘一刻前才打落個彩池, 所以點跟呢? 因此系統開發重點係分析賽前至閘前的賠率及飛數異動

the tickets before gate is not a key as i think its easy can follow by public.
so the tickes i want is the tickets before the racing days.

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I give up about the tickets system le. but I will review the horse dat have tickets suddendly and check out any reason y the PEOPLE bet such big ...

its might improve our skills as picking the horse to bet. coz some of the cold horse have tickets really run really well.

"have sounds have color" "dangerous person" is some example.

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