Talking about R8) on last day,
包裝福星 was not a "real" hot favorite (although it was overnight hot favorite and easy to say now after the race). But, this was the fact I viewed last night.
The 值博率 of it was low when compared its odds with its opponents with similar ability in the race. That's why I gave it up and against it I bet on other horses with high 值博率 like 神殿 & 全德勝's 獨贏 with relatively heavy bet amount.
Also agreed with this : " 說回「賭馬」,取勝竅門在於誘騙、等候時機,及把握一次機會把對手吞噬﹗" the same stables had won 2 horses before ,首瞻一線, 年年開心, and many ppl expected that 包裝福星 could win as well. Hence, it was the great opportunty to attack it and bet against it.