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原帖由 seabear 於 3-11-2010 07:47 PM 發表 真係入黎
原帖由 coffee 於 3-11-2010 08:04 PM 發表 whatchee got new discovery... if you see, if two horses wtih green boxes in one group, that shows something. like r1 and 2, both bingo q with the new file
原帖由 whatchee 於 3-11-2010 08:12 PM 發表 captain : see email coffee : pattern database larger, so % different
原帖由 phantomhorse 於 3-11-2010 09:01 PM 發表 我鍾意鑽龍華
原帖由 seabear 於 3-11-2010 09:59 PM 發表 to coffee: 胡森重心出擊