原帖由 coffee 於 19-7-2009 02:03 AM 發表
經過一輪數據編排和檢討, 看過班次場地路程年齡賠率等等有關data,
STF focus horse 相信下季能做到接近40% winning rate 及 60% placing rate.
因不想有人 ...
After sort of calculation,you seemed more confident in the coming season!
It's very reasonable that not to show up those horse as it is you guys' 心血!
And to prevent 輸打贏要,this idea works.
STF is not giving out TIPS but to prove the practicability of a system!
Still,support STF as always!
P.S:I tried to join 密馬之友會 for simple calculation,but unluckily Dr. ng choose me...
原帖由 Hello 於 1-7-2009 11:40 AM 發表
Dr.,Simple works please haha!