原帖由 非人 於 28-1-2010 10:25 PM 發表
Yea basically say P chart is important to regard a basic package to mastermind, W chart and P chart both performed a interaction.
It gives us so much hope to see P Chart is out in next update.
Thanks for your supporting,
As we are still busy working on another project, its hard to have a big update in a short
period, and the loading also is a key why we still havent put the P chat online in MasterMind
even we already finish the P Chart for a long time, as we need to get a extra server for the
system and another internet line for the P server.
anyway, some update like mark your own personal horse's notes from chart is already on.
u can mark notes from history, once the horse is on in coming race, u can simple click
on the horse and review the notes u drop down for this horse in history, so u can alert
the COLD horse dat u like before or have tickets but lose horse.
Wish this can help a bit in the game of horse racing.