原帖由 raypo 於 21-12-2009 04:46 PM 發表
由外國大學開始樣樣賭﹐賭場大細﹐Poker 二十一點樣樣玩。
頭幾年﹐我年年都起碼無十萬或以上。(03年到07年未)。 一出糧﹐平均無一半
里兩年﹐我明白了0里個遊戲 ...
Congratulation. If you can give up gambling, it is good for you. Seems you have too much pressure on your shoulder.
Again congrat when you chase back all lost from 03.
Like Coffee mention, we will not lose our half salary
I dont further comment la.
Racing is certainly not a job for 99% of public. When you find the key to success in one season, the lock will possibly be changed then. Deeply agree with seabear, I do not believe any signle person can determine the SURE WIN way. So, when you have profit and go away, it is a very good ending for you.
Good luck to you and your family!