原帖由 贏馬人 於 24-4-2009 02:13 PM 發表
操練只是跑馬里其中一個小小環節,操得好的馬也不一定是今次去馬,可能下次先去馬,又要操得好,又要有倍率,又要有實力,又要配搭完整,又要排檔好。又要評分有上升空間的馬,操得差也不代表一定會輸。操練對於一此 ...
yes i totally agree.
good training doesnt mean it can win... and poor training doesnt mean it can lose.
but that's only apply to one horse to my experience.
if the whole stable has poor training horses, it can show something from the trainer's head.
like this time, i can see most of YIP stable horses have poor training.
and it doesnt sound good to me.
well... there's no right or wrong.
and of course i dun doubt your ability.
i will post the STF marks of all YIP horse for your reference.
the data will be more comprehensive to look at