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¤p µoªí©ó 30-3-2008 07:03 PM
No good with the 6x63 ... only the first two. The rebate was good though. Ended up breaking even. Was sitting in front of the parade ring.
1608 30-MAR-2008
09:49 ¨F¥Ð
¬P´Á¤é ¹LÃö ¦ì¸m¢ß
6X63 3 ³õ 1 ¹Å¹Å¿ô + 6 «Â¤O +
12 ºë¹Ï
4 ³õ 4 ³s«aºë^ + 12 ¦n©_§®
5 ³õ 4 ¤p¸¶H + 5 ùÚ¹B°]¬P
8 ³õ 1 ¿O胆¤ý + 3 ¶ø¹BÅwÄË
10 ³õ 4 ¦n¶}¤ß + 9 ¹Å¸ +
12 ¦h¦hª@
11 ³õ 5 űo¦í + 6 ªá¦n¤ë¶ê +
13 ¦n¦³³Ó $10
(¥¿¦¡¬£±m:$714.70 ¦^¦©:$4,820.30)
$5,110.00 $5,535.00