To Freddie,
m3 = 一季資本
e3 = 賠率
j3 = 估計勝出率
To Phantomhorse,
wat's u mean by 有冇計臨場計快D?
I am using Excel just type in the "real odds from hkjc" then the excel will tell u how to bet.. btw. I have roundup the betting
money as $10 too. so just follow the excel file..
anyway. here is the code in excel.
=MAX(H3*(E4-1/J4)*J4/(E4-1),0) (<---- this is how much u need to bet)
=IF(C4="win",H3+E4*G4,H3)-G4-I4 (<---- this is calculate how much u left after the bet)
btw, I am using 計得精彩's formula to reformat this formula... coz its take too much time to use the formula
provided by the book. And seems too diffucult for us if we really dont have too much to bet. so I do it in
a simple way like the formula I show u here.