原帖由 馬神傳人 於 26-3-2007 04:50 PM 發表
好呀,良性競爭,參與 :em37:
Yeah, great honour to all of us!!
The rule can be adjusted. They're only my suggestion.
If 5 min is not good, let's set as just before the race (according to the clock), sorry if there's slight delay (undeclared) for races in order to prevent "ma hou pao" and for easy calculation, even it's not for actual.
5 bets means for the 3~4 months for that season. Is that too few?? My point is based on the number of HV races for these months X certain percent (e.g. 80%) - so those who only focus on HV can also join. Not accurately calculated yet.
Maybe 8 betted racing days is better. Do you agree?